Pet Insurance

We are lucky to live in a world where our ability to treat our animals is improving at an amazingly rapid rate. Even since I graduated, many conditions that where owners were told “there’s nothing we can do” are now very treatable. The unfortunate side-effect of this...

Benefits of Sterilising Part 2

The Benefits of Sterilising Part 2 The benefits of sterilizing male dogs are a lot less clear cut than females. It has been shown that males castrated at a young age will have a very similar life expectancy to entire males. They will however be prone to a few...

Benefits of Sterilising Part 1

The Benefits of Sterilising: Part 1 A lot of people ask us whether they should sterilise their dogs. For female dogs, the answer is a clear yes. For males, the answer is not always so straight forward. This week I will discuss the benefits of sterilising females, and...

One Medicine

One Medicine A lot of people ask how vets manage to learn how to treat such a wide range of animals, when doctors only have to learn one species. The fact is that many animals use the same basic “blueprint”, and as vets the trick is to know where the differences...

Itchy Dogs

Itchy Dogs. As we approach spring, we normally see an increase in the number of dogs suffering from itchy skin. If your dog has itchy skin, it may have a pollen allergy. The areas most commonly affected include the paws, belly, ears and armpits, although any part of...