Avoiding Dog Bites

Every year thousands of dogs are euthanased across Australia because they have bitten someone, especially a child. In almost every case, this is preventable with proper training of dogs AND children.

Dogs are much less likely to bite if well trained and socialised. Dog owners should learn to recognise signs of anxiety in their dog such as changes in ear position and changes in posture. Most dogs will give ample notice that they are uncomfortable or anxious before they bite.

No child under 10 should ever be left unsupervised with a dog. Even friendly family dogs can bite if scared or hurt by a child. Children should also be taught how to behave around dogs to avoid being bitten.

Our top tips for what every kid should be taught about dogs are:

  1. Leave dogs alone when they are eating or are near their food.
  2. Don’t grab or cuddle a dog around the neck, as this can frighten it.
  3. Don’t surprise a sleeping dog.
  4. Always ask the owner before you pat their dog.
  5. Don’t enter a strange dog’s yard without the owner being present.
  6. Don’t play with any dog unless the owner is watching.
  7. Don’t play with a dog with a litter of puppies, especially while the mother is still feeding them.
  8. Take care not to get dogs over-excited when you play with them.

If you have any concerns about your dogs behavior or are worried your dog may be a risk to your children or others, please talk to a vet for advice.