Does Your Bushfire Plan Include Your Pets?

We have all been told we need a Bushfire Plan ready in case our homes are ever threatened by a Bushfire. It is great advice, but does your plan include your pet?

In an emergency situation, you don’t have time to be digging through your shed trying to find the cat cage, or wondering where you left the dog lead. It is important to have these things easily accessible in case you need them quickly.

If you decide to Stay and Protect, make sure you confine your pet to an enclosed room such as bathroom or toilet where they can be kept safe and grabbed quickly if you need to evacuate.

Make sure your survival pack includes food and water for your animals, otherwise they will need to share your supplies.

If you get separated from your animal in an emergency, contact local vets and pounds to let them know to be on the lookout for your pet. Microchipping your pet is the best way to ensure your pet is returned to you if lost.

If you find injured animals or wildlife after a fire, contact a vet, ranger or police. Be very careful approaching injured animals as they may become aggressive.

A bit of forward thinking can help protect you family and pets. Now is the time to review your Bushfire Plan to make sure you are ready.