Middle ear infections – otitis media

In a world where more and more people are consulting Dr Google, pet stores, and people in Facebook groups before they talk to a vet, we are starting to see some cases where diseases have progressed further than they would have if a vet had been consulted first. Ear...

Rabbit Calicivirus Vaccine Shortage

We have just received the following information from the Australian Veterinary Association about the rabbit calicivirus vaccine : From today, a new strain of calicivirus (RHDV1 K5) is being released across Australia to help land owners control wild rabbits. AVA’s...

7 signs your dog may have heart disease

Did you know that up to 10% of all dogs may have some degree of heart disease, with the incidence rising to over 60% as they age? All too often, we see dogs with quite advanced signs of heart disease where the owner had just assumed that it was just a part of the...