For the month of July, we are offering a 15% discount on sterilisations and thought we would take this opportunity to let you know the many benefits of desexing your pet.


Desexing your pet can reduce the risks of serious health problems. Desexed female pets are less likely to develop cysts on their ovaries, infections of the uterus (pyometra), mammary gland tumours or mammary gland infections (mastitis).  Desexed male dogs have substantially less prostate problems than intact male dogs and castration removes the potential for development of testicular tumours.


Not desexing your male cats and dogs makes it more likely for them to roam looking for a mate, which increases their chances of getting lost, taken, injured in a fight or hit by a car.  Desexing male cats reduces the risk of them coming into contact with infectious diseases such as Feline AIDS (FIV).


Desexing reduces undesirable territorial behaviour such as aggression and urine marking. Male dogs and cats’ urine can be particularly strong and pungent. Desexing usually prevents this odour and in most cases eliminates spraying or marking behaviour (if done early).

Unsterilised dogs can show aggression to other dogs and people, and can be very dominant and possessive of their toys and food.    Cats on heat can also become aggressive and the noise of cats mating or fighting throughout the night can be quite disturbing.


Desexing decreases the number of unwanted pregnancies in animals.  Approximately 200, 000 dogs and cats are euthanised in Australia every year due to unplanned breeding. Dogs can become pregnant at 6 months of age, and some cats as young as 4 months, so it is important to consider sterilisation early – we recommend any time from 6 months of age.


Our clinic provides monitoring and support throughout the entire sterilisation surgery.  We ensure adequate pain relief is given before, during and after the procedure and for extra support we provide our patients with a warm air blanket during surgery and heat pads in recovery.  Patients are monitored in much the same way people are monitored when undergoing surgery – with constant measurement of their heart rate, oxygenation level, blood pressure, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels. We also ensure all patients undergoing an anaesthetic are placed on IV fluids throughout the surgery and during recovery, as this helps maintain their blood pressure, flush anaesthetic drugs from their system, and leads to a quicker recovery.  Close monitoring allows us to adjust the anaesthetic and give pain medication or emergency drugs if needed.


The price of your pets desexing procedure includes:

  • Preoperative check for new patients
  • Sterilisation surgery
  • IV fluids
  • Pain relief on day of surgery
  • Additional pain relief to go home with
  • Elizabethan collar and
  • Postoperative check

NB: If your cat or dog is pregnant, in-season or has undescended testicles, there may be additional costs.


If you wish to discuss sterilising your pet, we offer a complimentary pre-sterilisation consult. This allows you the opportunity to discuss any questions about sterilisation with a veterinarian and it allows us to examine your pet and ensure they are in good health should you wish to go ahead.

To book a pre-sterilisation health check, simply phone the clinics on the numbers below or head to our website to book an appointment online.


If your pet hasn’t been to our clinic before a Health Check appointment with a vet will be necessary.  This is to ensure your pet is healthy enough to undergo a general anaesthetic. The cost of this health check is included in the sterilisation surgery price. When a clean bill of health has been given, a surgery date can then be arranged (the health check can be booked on the same day as the surgery if the booking is made by phone).

Sterilisation surgery days at our discounted prices in July are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Normal prices will apply on Mondays and Fridays.

Appointments and/or surgery dates can be arranged by calling either of our clinics:

Bunbury: 9721 5999

Eaton:  9725 0399